Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The pleasure of watching my orchids bloom.

My orchids have been blooming beautifully for several months. They amaze me and bring me so much pleasure.

Each day when I reach home after parking my car, I will go and gaze at them and simply enjoy them. Two particular stalks of very huge blooms amazed me. They initially had about 8 flowers all blooming beautifully. Then another 5 or so flower buds appeared at the end of each stalk and the blooming continued.

So I wonder - if I a mere mortal human can derive so much pleasure and delight by watching my orchids bloom, how much pleasure does Papa God recieve when I bloom in confidence.

In our very Asian culture - there is this very strong emphasis to be functional and to make ourselves useful. There is much less emphasis on being decorative and beautiful. And we often wrongly think ourselves useless if we are less than efficient.

My orchids do not have be functional - they do no work at all. Yet they bring me so much pleasure by being just beautiful. So I will to learn a lesson from my orchids and be as happy to be beautiful.

So to all the girls and guys who are stressed out just to be super efficiently functional - relax and be beautiful and handsome.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

1 comment:

  1. I will get more orchids for you.So you will have the pleasure to see them blooming every day.May your first day as a HM in your new school will be one of the most successful era of the history of the school.Good luck!

