Gratitude overflows from my heart. Gratefulness for so many things. I have been so busy and I owe you Papa God to praise for so many things. First, Mum is already discharged from the hospital. Initially I worry how she is going to the toilet etc given the pain she feels when she gets up from bed and from a sitting position. But God is gracious. My brother found an Indonesian maid to look after my mum during this period and she and the Cambodian maid help Mum get up and down from bed. Today I also saw her raise herself up from a lying down position to a sitting position all by herself. That is great progress!
Mum smiles happily as she shows me her new feat today - she can flex her knee voluntarily.
The scar with the 3 marks near her knee shows where 1 tranverse screw is placed right through the long metal plate. The scar has closed so nicely that if nobody mentions the operation, others not in the know may think it is just some scars from mosquito bites. The Tan family has bought quite a few things to help mum cope. Her square walker. Her wheelchair. Her toilet chair.

My dad says mum is a good driver with her wheel chair and she is able to maneuver very well all round the room and to the balcony. She is coping well. She no longer need Pampers except for night when she uses for"
just in case. " Dad is so grateful and thankful that Mum has recovered so well and has minimal complications that he pledged two computers to my school's computer lab. One computer in his name and one in Mum's name. That makes the total number of compluters pledged to be 9 units! Haha! Another thing that gave me much joy were the excellent results of both schools I was and am involved in- SMK Seksyen 5 and SMK Convent Sentul! In fact the night before the results were released, I had completely no anxiety. On my part for SMK Seksyen 5, I knew I had done my best and the diligent and competent teachers there had also done their part to prepare the students. For SMK Convent Sentul, I was equally confident because I knew the nature of the previous principal - Puan Phoon to be a woman of integrity who would have done all she needed to do without missing anything and she would have also motivated the teachers to work hard at preparing the students. What a lovely nite of sweet sleep knowing that hard work will definitely have just rewards. Convent Sentul did very well - 10 straight As students and the school has not only reached the SPM 2010 target but also attained the SPM 2011 target. So we will have to set our sights higher. Next morning - I am delighted at the news of the 21 straight A's students in Seksyen 5. Again this has broken all previous records. Bravo! Later as I study the list of cemerlang students, I laugh and grin that
students I have chased to complete their homework etc and phoned their fathers right in front of them are now listed in the cemerlang list! Wow -some of the cemerlang kids were
students we "kurung " for a whole week and did not allow into Form 5 until they settled their Form 4 debt- hutang of homework and school based assessment projects. I am delighted at the Physics results with a CGPA of 3.8 and a total haul of
56 distinctions.

5 Azam had a CGPA of 2.0 and especially my 5 Dynamic gave me great cause for joy with the
3 distinctions for Physics from Steffi, Gurmit and Ngiam Kee Jian. Haha! See the picture of Seksyen 5 teachers excited as they scan the results of the students even as they separate the carbon from the original of the results.
The Bible Knowledge students in Tabernacle of David also makes me very happy. All 3 SPM candidates scored As! When we first started Bible Knowledge classes in 2007, it was with fear and trembling as BK was so very different from teaching Physics. Bravo Pastor Kim - without you - this would never have been! Kim has done 80% of the work in the BK classes ! Now both teachers and students have grown to be more skilled with God's word and our faith in Him as the God of miracles have grown. Thank you Papa God.
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