60th Birthday Bash for the APGS 1974 Reunion. |
As early as January 2017,
the 1974 Fifth Form cohort from APGS (Ayer Panas Girls’ School)
started planning for the Reunion in July 2017. This Reunion was special because most of us would be reaching our 60th
birthday. At Form 5, some of us were 16 or 17 and now some of us touched 60. We
celebrated staying in contact with each other and the teachers even after 43 long
years. The date was tweaked a bit to accommodate the 6 girls who would be
returning from overseas. The final date, time and place was agreed
upon by general consensus. We were all excited awaiting ;
The APGS Class of 1974 Reunion
8th July 2017
12pm - 4.30 pm
The Brasserie, Maya Hotel, Jalan Ampang, KL.
Low Soo Ting was the master coordinator, collaborating with each one and those who would eventually form the Committee. She started a big Whats App's group with 59 participants. Long before the actual event, we started connecting. This
group generated much excitement and expectation, both for those who were able
to attend and those who were not able to attend. Old photos were shared and faces pondered upon, long
lost magazines were found and shared. There were searches for girls like for example the Professor ( Yeap
Pooi Lan) and mentions of copying Professor’s Additional Mathematics homework.
Lim Tow Lay held the fort
in the accounts section and diligently checked our banked in amounts. Hers would be the most tedious job but Tow Lay did her work sweetly. Cathy Tam from Brisbane doubled checked Tow Lay’s list so that payment list and attendees list would tally. Datin Nor-Aini also double-checked Soo Ting’s list of attendees. The list of guests in alphabetical order was soon prepared after all the cross checking. Sticker name tags
were agreed upon as they were cheaper and would help us identify our long lost
Chi Oi
Meng liaised with the hotel with all arrangements including a cake with our
school badge. She also prepared enlarged copies of the 1974 magazines. Chi Oi Meng , Wong Lee Meng and Lim Tow Lay brought in their personal old photo albums so we could remember what we and our teachers looked like in the good old days.
The copy of our beloved magazine is bigger and clearer
than the original.. Thank you Oi Meng |
Lee Meng phoned many teachers and arranged for 7 teachers to attend the event. Lee Meng and her wonderful daughter JQ and son-in-law Dexter helped with the photography and produced the most delightful video. ( Please click on link below my photo with Mrs Tay to view this video) Lee Meng also got the lovely red and champagne rose corsages for the teachers.
Rose and champagne corsage for our lovely teachers.
Thank you Lee Meng |
Nor-Aini also coordinated prettily
packed yummy Lavand chocolates as door gifts.
Nor-Aini with the prettily packed yummy chocolates for all guests. |
This event saw 49 girls and 7 teachers compared to the
50th year birthday bash which had 16
teachers and 44 girls attending. Out of the 49 girls who attended, 6 came back
from overseas with Mabel Tan Bee Poh holding the record distance from New York.
We had girls flying in from Australia, Singapore and Kota Kinabalu.
There were also 6
girls who followed our event closely through WhatsApp’s since they could not come physically to KL due to other commitments. Kath Ho followed from Sydney, Ee Yew Mei and Zainon followed from Sungei Petani, Janice followed from Kota Kinabalu, Pooi Lan aka Professor followed from Perth and Peggy wanted us to follow her to Rome and UK (but she actually followed our event). Time and distance could not separate our hearts .
As early as 11.40 am, guests started arriving in Maya hotel. The earliest guests were Chong Ah Looi, Catherine Tam and Lilian . They were greeted by Lee Meng, Tee Hwa, Nuraini, and Tow Lay and others soon followed after.
The early birds . |
We got the girls to register their own attendance, write their own email addresses and write their own sticker tags and put them on. The girls lingered on and enjoyed the photo albums and old magazines brought by Lee Meng , Oi Meng and Tow Lay.
Looking through treasures of old albums |
Soh Bee and Mabel who came all the way from New York. |
The welcome for our beloved teachers were of course special and different.We pinned the lovely rose corsages on our beloved teachers. Their sticker name tags were written and put on for them. We then ushered our teachers to their seats at the center table.
Mrs Joyce Ang, Mrs Ong Guan Eng, Ms Catherine Yap, Mrs Tay Chong Chim.
Ms Jaya Ratnasingam, Ms Yong Siew Chin, Puan Sri Datin Aisha Bt Shamsuddin |
Nor-Aini was the MC. She invited Khoo Leng Kee as head girl of the 1974 cohort to speak followed by a speech from Mrs Ong Guan Eng as the representative of the teachers.
The headgirl Leng Kee speaks |
Mrs Ong Guan Eng rises to deliver her speech |
The speeches were followed by the cake cutting and two birthday songs.
The group photo shoot. Refer to the name list below to match faces with names. |
We assembled outside the lobby for the group photograph. Good thing JQ checked the photos before she printed them. The program was cleverly arranged so that the group photo take would take place early to give enough time to JQ and Dexter to run out and print the A4 size group photo for every attendee to take home before the event ended. This A-4 size group photo with names of attendees would be our souvenir and treasured memento of this event. Even though we had to do a photo shoot re-take but we were all happy with the diversion from food.
After the second photo shoot, the girls and teachers began serious mingling and catching up with one another. Many group photos were taken to remind themselves of various connections in the past. Yip Sook Ping came later after the group photo shoot. But as the old adage goes, "Better late than never. " She still had a very good time and looked resplendent in her orange dress.
Leng Kee and Jamilah, headgirl and deputy headgirl
of the Prefectorial Board 1974 |
The best Biology teacher Ms Catherine Yap who was also
our Form teacher in Form 4 and Form 5 Science 1 |
Lock Lai Ming, Yap Bee Tien, Tai Yuet Phing and gang |
Yoke Lin, Khalidah, Soo Ting and Oi Meng. |
Jane Wu, Teo Yan Foon, Dr. Yong Wai Ping and Wong Lee Meng |
Catherine Tam, Lay Suan, Ah Looi and gang. |
Samantha ,Seng Nee and gang |
5 Arts 1 1974 |
5 Arts 1 2017 - 43 years later |
Meng Wang came despite having a serious knee injury.
She wore knee guard and used a walker. |
Ruhaidah, Soo Ting, Nor-Aini and Khalidah
Bee Kuen, Tow Lay, Ma Sau Fong and gang |
Ong Tea Hooi, Shirley and gang |
Tan Tee Hwa poses with Mrs Tay. She looks forever young.
I hope we all lookas good as her this 10 years later. |
The credit for this delightful APGS reunion video goes to JQ.
Happy smiles from all who studied at the same primary school - Marian Convent. |
We are so thankful to Soo Ting, Tow Lay, Lee Meng , JQ and Dexter, Oi Meng, Nor-Aini for working through many logistics patiently. Many others helped in the background. Thank you everybody for your presence, especially those who came from afar. For those who didn't manage to join us this round, make sure you do at the next event. See you in the near future. Stay forever young.
Posted by Debbie Yeong nee
Madam Tan Tee Hwa
Retired Principal
SMK Convent Sentul
Missed you all and sorry that I couldn't share the joy in the gathering. All the best.
ReplyDeleteMr. & Mrs. Wong
Mr Wong Kok Sheong and Mrs Wong - the girls were hoping you both would turn up. We were observers to your budding romance with Mrs Wong when we were in Form 1 , sitting in the Science Lab as our floating class.
DeleteIn the matter of 43 years innocent schoolgirls turned into grandmother like Lee Meng and the young energetic teacher turned into an old man still hoping to hold grandchildren in his arms.
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DeleteMr Wong,
DeleteYou are not an old man and soon you will hold your grandchildren in your arms. TQ for giving us girls chance to catch up at least in grandchildren.
We missed you too Mr & Mrs Wong. Take care!
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ReplyDeleteLooking so beautiful photos!!
Leang Heang,
DeleteTQ. The girls hope to stay as beautiful as Mrs Tay.
ReplyDeleteอีกหนึ่งศัลยกรรมหรืออีกหนึ่งทางออกสำหรับปัญหาของคนรูปคางสั้น รูปคางผิดรูปผิดร่างคนที่มีคางสั้น คางเล็ก คางปราศจากความนูนหรือคางร่นมาด้านข้างหลัง ทำให้บริเวณใบหน้ามองกลม หน้าสั้น ศูนย์กลางของบริเวณใบหน้ามองกว้าง คอดูมีเนื้อมากมาย ซึ่งเป็นรูปลักษณ์ที่ไม่สวยสวย
ซึ่งปัญหาพวกนี้สามารถปรับแต่งโดยการเสริมคาง ทำให้สามารถแลเห็นรูปคางได้แน่ชัดบริเวณใบหน้าด้านล่างก็จะมองมีมิติ แล้วก็เป็นการปรับรูปหน้าให้วีเชฟได้รูปรูปทรงตามสิ่งที่มีความต้องการของผู้ป่วย แม้กระนั้นดังนี้ขึ้นกับหมอผู้ผ่าตัดจะเป็นผู้ประเมินรูปร่างความเหมาะสมของรูปหน้าด้วย
เลเซอร์ กำจัดขนหน้า
เลเซอร์ กำจัดขน รักแร้
ReplyDelete• 1.กรีดหนังตา เป็นแนวทางที่เคยชินกันดีกับแนวทางการทำตาสองชั้น หรือจะเรียกว่าวิธีมาตาฐานก็ว่าได้ เนื่องจากมีผู้กระทำตาสองชั้นด้วยแนวทางแบบนี้มีมากที่สุดเป็นอันดับหนึ่งเลยเดียว
• 2.การเจาะรูหรือบางที่เรียกแนวทางการเย็บจุด เป็นการไม่ต้องกรีดหนังตาแม้กระนั้นกลายเป็นการเจาะรูเล็กๆที่กลีบตาห่างกัน 3-4 จุด สามารถเอานำไขมันส่วนเกินออกได้ แล้วกระทำเย็บเงื่อนไหมไปตามแนวเส้นที่ได้กำหนดไว้กับกล้ามเนื้อตา จะมีผลให้กำเนิดเป็นตาสองชั้นขึ้น ข้อดีก็คือไม่ส่งผลให้เกิดรอยแผลเป็น รวมทั้งมีการบวมช้ำเพียงนิดหน่อย
• 3.การเลเซอร์ ได้แก่การใช้เลเซอร์คลื่น plasma ยิงไปที่หนังตาทำให้มีหนังตา 2 ชั้นขึ้นมาอย่างสบาย ถึงจะเจ็บจี๊ดเกือบจะร้องไห้ แต่ว่าจุดเด่นก็คือทิ้งแผลเอาไว้น้อยมาก ใช้เวลาพักฟื้นน้อยมาก ดำรงชีวิตธรรมดาได้เกือบจะโดยทันที
มาเด้ หน้าใส
ฉีดมาเด้ ที่ไหนดี